
Portrait von Clarence Abner Davis

Clarence Abner Davis

* 14.07.1950 † 16.04.2023

Verabschiedung: 28.04.2023

Uhrzeit: 16:00 Uhr

Ort: St. Johann in Tirol


Die Möglichkeit zur persönlichen Verabschiedung besteht am Freitag, dem 28. April 2023
von 08:00 – 14:00 Uhr in der Aufbahrungshalle vom Friedhof Almdorf in St. Johann in Tirol.

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    Clarence Abner Davis


    † 16.04.2023

    Kathy Clare:

    Dear Marlene, Martin, and Family -far and near, 

    I was saddened to read of Clarence's passing as I was out walking. I have reflected on the pleasant times we shared, just shooting the breeze and chatting together about nothing in particular. Not only that, but I always admired Clarence for facing the challenge of moving to a new country, culture and language with such aplomb. I know it wasn't always easy, however, he and you, Marlene, always seemed to come up smiling in the end. I loved to hear him play and sing, and watching him perform with Martin was a real pleasure.   I will miss our spontaneous chats and I will miss seeing you both, Marlene and Clarence, stretched out, side by side, in your special place on your sunbeds protected by the shade at the pool.  May Clarence Rest in Peace.  We,- Andi, Jasmin, and I, are thinking of you all and his family. 

    Geschrieben am 18.04.2023 um 16:36